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Author: J. David Ramsey

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5 Essentials Dos and Don’ts of Great Managers

Dos Keep your Board educated concerning emerging trends. Board members aren’t tied the latest cases, legislation, and changes that impact their roles as board members. Many allied professionals – attorneys, accountants, engineers, insurance agents – will send emails or links to posts about important new...

Q&A: Enforcement of Violations

Q. One resident constantly complains about another resident who is in violation of a HOA rule. As a board we are aware of the violation but allow the situation because of the personal situation involved. We have communicated to the complaining resident we do not...

Q&A: Mandatory Evacuation During a Hurricane?

Q.  Can we order our residents to evacuate our association in cases of things like hurricanes? Does a state emergency order play a role? If the state orders a mandatory evacuation can we fine residents who remain? A.  Generally, if the State or local authorities have...

Benefits of the Municipal Services Act

Many communities are either not receiving the benefits of the Municipal Services Act or are being substantially shortchanged by the municipality in reimbursements due. New Jersey’s Municipal Services Act (the “Act”), N.J.S.A. 40:67-23.2 – 23.8, requires that every municipality provide “qualified private communities” with certain municipal...

Q&A: Scheduling of Annual Meetings

Q. We're not prepared for our annual meeting which is in August. We'd like to reschedule for September. Can we do that or should we just have an unprepared annual meeting in August to just say we had one? A. While we would normally not advise...

Q&A: Unsightly Neighboring Property

Q. We want to clean up the property next door to our association. The association does not own the property. It's less money to just have it cleaned up compared to getting the current owner to clean it up. We would have permission from the...

David Ramsey Receives CAI Distinguished Service Award

Hearty congratulations go out to J. David Ramsey, shareholder in Becker & Poliakoff’s community association practice group. David was recently honored with the Distinguished Service Award at the Community Associations Institute’s (CAI) Annual Conference Awards dinner in Las Vegas. The Distinguished Service Award is CAI’s most...